Helena Mattsson, Sven-Olov Wallenstein (red)

Deleuze och mångfaldens veck innehåller texter från ett symposium som organiserades av tidskriften Material vid Artnode i Stockholm 1998 och som var ett av de första internationella symposierna om Deleuze efter hans död 1995. Boken samlar bidrag av John Rajchman, Manuel De Landa, Anne Querrien, Jacques Rancière, David Lapoujade, Suely Rolnik och Astrid Söderbergh Widding, samt ett förord av redaktörerna Helena Mattsson och Sven-Olov Wallenstein, och ett efterord om Art Nodes historia av Mats Brodén. Som ett appendix återfinns också en översättning av Deleuze och Guattaris "Percept, affekt, begrepp" från deras sista gemensamma bok, Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, där de analyserar relationen mellan konst, vetenskap och filosofi.


Axl Books 2010

Benjamin Höijer - Metafysik, estetik, historia

Anders Burman & Sven-Olov Wallenstein (red)

I nära dialog med Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte och Friedrich Schelling utvecklade Benjamin Höijer kring sekelskiftet 1800 ett filosofiskt system som i samtiden väckte stor uppmärksamhet i inte bara Sverige utan också Tyskland. Hans huvudverk, Avhandling om den filosofiska konstruktionen, recenserades lyriskt av Schelling, som konstaterade att dess författare ”förtjänar en rang bland de sanna tänkarna”. Benjamin Höijer. Metafysik, estetik, historia ger en bred presentation av denna numera i hög grad bortglömde filosof. Här kan man läsa om Höijers modernitetsbegrepp och hur han förhöll sig till de samtida tyska idealisterna, om hans konstfilosofi och syn på historieskrivningens uppgifter liksom hans betydelse för Per Daniel Amadeus Atterbom och andra svenska romantiker. Fram träder en komplex bild av den första moderna svenska filosofen.

Södertörn Philosophical Studies 29, 2021

Sinnesstämning, skratt och hypokondri - om estetisk erfarenhet i Kants tredje kritik

Anna Enström

Vad är en estetisk erfarenhet? Och hur kan Immanuel Kants begrepp om sinnlighet hjälpa oss att besvara den frågan? Sedan länge har redogörelsen för det estetiska omdömets formella struktur i Kritik av omdömeskraften (1790) kommit att manifestera sinnlighetens eliminering från hans estetik. Under de senaste decennierna har Kant även kritiserats för att bortse från den estetiska erfarenhetens kroppslighet, varmed hans teorier kommit att framstå som obsoleta i förhållande till aktuella teman och centrala motiv inom samtida konst.

Genom en samläsning med Kants antropologiska skrifter erbjuder denna studie ett perspektiv på tredje Kritiken som skiljer sig från den ensidiga emfas på förstånd och förnuft som historiskt har dominerat receptionen. Sinnlighetens centrala funktion i Kants estetik betonas genom analyser av de filosofiska nyckeltermerna sinne och stämning samt de specifika sinnesstämningarna skratt och hypokondri.

I dialog med Max Neuhaus offentliga ljudverk Times Square (1977), Sarah Lucas installation Au Naturel (1994), och Nazlı Dinçels filmverk Leafless (2011) syftar studien till att visa att vi alltjämt behöver Kant för att nå en fördjupad förståelse av estetisk erfarenhet.

Södertörn Doctoral Dissertation 184, 2021

1930 - 1931 : den svenska modernismen vid vägskälet / Swedish modernism at the crossroads / Der schwedische Modernismus am Scheideweg

Helena Mattsson och Sven-Olov Wallenstein

In 1931, at a time when architectural modernism, as project and utopia, was undergoing a decisive crisis internationally, six of the most important representatives of the modern movement in Sweden published the manifesto acceptera. It marked the beginning of Swedish modernism’s unique path. In this essay, Helena Mattsson and Sven-Olov Wallenstein present an analysis of this manifesto and its rhetorical strategies, the way in which it forges a new relation to the past, and attempts to produce the sense of a specific Swedish modernity.

AXL Books 2009

CRITICAL THEORY Past, Present, Future

Anders Bartonek and Sven-Olov Wallenstein (eds.)

From its inception, Critical Theory was a project that not only intended to study modern society, but also to change it. Today, with almost a century passed, the term has acquired a life of its own and is used across the intellectual field, institutionally as well geographically. Thus, to ask about the past, present, and future of Critical Theory means opening it up and exposing it to new influances. This is a consequence of the claim that theory is not outside history, but must always respond to a changing present grasped in its contradictions and opened up towards other possibilities; a process that involves a constant reappraisal of what Critical Theory is today.

Södertörn Philosophical Studies 28, 2021


Architecture, Critique, Ideology

Sven-Olov Wallenstein

To what extent can the relation between the theory and practice of architecture be understood as critical?

Drawing on a long philosophical tradition from Kant to Adorno and Deleuze, as well on a series of debates in architectural and artistic discourse from the sixties onward, this book explores the possibility of reframing critical theory in a contemporary theoretical landscape that today seems more difficult to chart than ever. Thinking philosophy through architecture, and architecture through philosophy, it argues for a critique as an intervention that must continually redraw the line between concepts and things, words and objects.

Axl Books 2016

Edmund Husserl

Red: Sven-Olov Wallenstein

Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) är den moderna fenomenologins upphovsman, och hans program för att lägga en ny grund för filosofin och vetenskaperna har utövat ett närmast oöverskådligt inflytande. Husserl börjar i en reflexion över matematik och logik, men utvidgar detta snart till en analys av erfarenheten och subjektiviteten i alla dess former, som också innefattar kroppen, tiden och vetenskapernas och kulturens historicitet.

Denna volym samlar bidragen från ett symposium 2009 med anledning av Husserls 150-årsdag och belyser olika aspekter av hans filosofi. Medverkande författare är Daniel Birnbaum, Jonna Bornemark, Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback, Jens Cavallin, Samuel Ijsseling, Hans Ruin, Nicholas Smith, Sven-Olov Wallenstein (red.) och Karl Weigelt. Här återfi nns också en översättning av Husserls brev till poeten Hugo von Hofmannsthal, som är ett av de få tillfällen då han diskuterar estetiska problem.

AXL Books 2011

Essays, Lectures

Sven-Olov Wallenstein

Through analyses of Parmenides, Augustine, Heidegger, and Deleuze, the essays in the first part of this book approach a twofold understanding of certain limit situations in Western metaphysics.

In the second part, the question of technology and nihilism in modern art and architecture is addressed. Drawing on Heidegger, Benjamin, and Foucault, philosophical reflections on the essence of technology are confronted with other versions of modernity at once very close and very distant from the conceptions of technology that were worked out in artistic avant-gardes. The space-time of subjectivity and thought, the field of desire, body, and experience, and our modes of discursive rationality, are no longer pre-given forms, but must be understood as results of a continual experimental construction in which art and philosophical thinking are both implicated.

AXL Books 2007. 

Architectures of Life-Building in the Twentieth Century: Russia, Germany, Sweden

Irina Seits

The modernist concept of life-building as an architectural method for improving the conditions of everyday life originated in Europe during the 1920s. This book explores three modes of functionalism by way of a comparative analysis of both the theoretical discourses and architectural practices associated with functionalism in Russia, Germany, and Sweden. These three countries made significant contributions to the application of functionalism within mass housing construction, the overarching purpose of which was to transform the traditional home into a rational living space.

Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations 160, 2018

Madness, Religion, and the Limits of Reason

Jonna Bornemark and Sven-Olov Wallenstein (eds.)

The idea of a limit of reason, a measure that defines reason and that it must not overstep, has been a constitutive part of philosophy since its beginnings in Greek thought. Placing itself in opposition to the madness of hubris, the excesses of tragedy, and the stories of religion and myth, philosophy expels its others just as much as it thrives on them. It begins and ends at the limit; it is drawn towards its outside, and exists as a perpetual attempt to find a line of demarcation that always ends up passing through its interior.

The present collection analyzes the phenomenon of limit and excess, through readings that range from tragedy and Greek thought, through early Christianity and the Renaissance, to modern phenomenology and philosophy of language.

Södertörn Philosophical Studie 16, 2015

Of Affliction

The Experience of Thought in Gilles Deleuze by Way of Marcel Proust

Johan Sehlberg

What is an act of thinking beyond the traditional image of thought? Who or what is its subject and to whom or what does it give voice? Under what conditions is thinking learned and to what effects is it achieved? If these questions generally imbue the thought of Gilles Deleuze from "Nietzsche and Philosophy" (1962) up to "Difference and Repetition" (1968), it is arguably in Proust and Signs (1964) that the questions concerning the essence and conditions of thought are elaborated to the greatest extent and effect. Whereas "Nietzsche and Philosophy" and "Difference and Repetition" have been extensively analysed as systematic works of philosophy in their own right, Deleuze"s early work on Proust has not been adequately recognised for its significance in overturning the classical question "what is thinking?"

Södertörn Philosophical Studies 26, 2020

Swedish Modernism -Architecture, Consumption and the Welfare State

Helena Mattsson, Sven-Olov Wallenstein

Swedish Modernism provides an in-depth, multilayered account of the process of modernization; whilst also highlighting the difficulties found. The debate is enriched from a diverse range of contributors including architects, researchers and leading academics from across the globe. Following an introduction from Helena Mattsson and Sven-Olov Wallenstein, the book is divided thematically into three sections. The first section of the book explores the construction of the welfare state. The second section delves into the importance of consumers and spectacles analyzed in relation to the wide range of 'state programmes' from housing to national marketing programmes.

Black Dog Publishing 2010

REGIONALITY / MONDIALITY Perspectives on Art, Aesthetics and Globalization

Ed: Charlotte Bydler, Cecilia Sjöholm

The title of this anthology, Regionality/Mondiality: Perspectives on Art, Aesthetics and Globalization, signals the regional dimension inherent in the globalization of the arts. Rejecting a comprehensive theory of globalization, the texts in this anthology instead circumscribe a situated understanding of the production and interpretation of the arts, which serves to condition cultural translatability. The texts of the anthology argue that cultural translatability should be considered through the concept of regionality, that is, the quality of being both territorially and relationally situated. Bypassing the abstract and politically charged category of “nationality,” regionality addresses human relations in and through the more tangible physical environment in and by which they are configured.

Huddinge : Södertörns högskola, 2014. 301 sidor.

Placing Art In the Public Realm

Ed: Håkan Nilsson

The public realm is indeed a space of paradoxes. While on one hand it seems to be shrinking due to commercialization and to be losing its position as a forum where different agendas can meet, it can also be said to be expanding through social media and thus merge with traditional “private” areas. The contributions in this volume range from philosophical and political takes on the idea of the public to texts that understand the current situation from the point of view of the art scene. Thinkers such as Chantal Mouffe, Jürgen Habermas and Giorgio Agamben meet, for example, with local Swedish graffiti, the international digital world and multicultural New Delhi. All offer perspectives on what the public-and the private-realms might mean today.

Södertörns Högskola, 2012

Clement Greenberg och hans kritiker

Håkan Nilsson

Den amerikanske konstkritikern Clement Greenberg anses ofta vara det modernistiska måleriets främsta och viktigaste uttolkare. Detta har lett till att en stor kader postmoderna kritiker och teoretiker har använt sig av hans texter för att påvisa skillnaden mellan såväl den postmoderna, pluralistiska konsten och den modernistiska, mediespecifika konsten, som mellan det modernistiska och postmoderna konstbegreppet. Denna avhandling försöker spåra några av orsakerna till varför Greenbergs konstsyn har fått denna position i den postmoderna teoribildningen och visar att Greenbergs roll är så pass viktig, att han skulle ha behövt uppfinnas om han inte existerat. Avhandlingen anlägger därmed ett genealogiskt, snarare än ett kausalt, perspektiv.

Stockholms Universitet, 2000

Att forma tillvaron: Konstruktivism som konstnärligt yrkesarbete hos Geraldo de Barros, Lygia Pape och Lygia Clark

Oscar Svanelid

Vad hände egentligen med de sovjetiska konstruktivisternas idé om att förändra människan genom konstnärligt arbete? För att söka svar på frågan analyserar Oscar Svanelid i denna avhandling konstnärerna Geraldo de Barros, Lygia Pape och Lygia Clark som från mitten av 1900-talet översatte konstruktivismen till Brasilien. De tre konstnärerna sökte sig gärna bortom museet och gallerierna för att i verkstaden, på universitetet och på kliniken skapa starkare relationer mellan konst och liv. Den konstruktivistiska konsten användes som modell för att förbättra tillvaron för snickare men också som pedagogiskt redskap och terapeutisk behandlingsmetod. Det är avhandlingens avsikt att fördjupa och bredda kunskapen om brasiliansk modern konst och dess möten med katolska broderskap, surrealistiska mutanter och fascistiska regimer.

Södertörns Högskola, 2020


The Exhibitionary Complex: Exhibition, Apparatus, and Media from Kulturhuset to the Centre Pompidou, 1963-1977

Kim West

This doctoral thesis “studies the new Information Center model of the art museum that was developed by a group of artists, curators, architects, and activists connected to Moderna Museet in Stockholm between the mid-1960s and the mid-1970s. Through close readings of Moderna Museet’s unrealized Kulturhuset project, and a series of related attempts at rethinking the exhibition and the museum in relation to new information technologies, systems, and networks, it traces the origins, the critical implications, and the effects of this model, according to which the museum should function at once as a catalyst for the active forces in society, a vast experimental laboratory, and a broadcasting station.

In this study, the museum is understood as an exhibitionary apparatus, the specific characteristics of which are configured in relation to other apparatuses for display, distribution, and interaction, which together form an exhibitionary complex, caught in a process of gradual integration with the expanding network of cybernetic media. The study asks under what conditions the exhibitionary apparatus might preserve its particular modes of social and aesthetic experience, while acting as a transformative force on and through the new information environments.”

Södertörns Högskola, 2017

A Critique of Post Emancipatory Reason: Philosophical Visibility, Political Possibility and the Question of Novelty

David Payne

This thesis explores the possibility of recasting the idea of emancipation in an age in which some have tarred it with the ‘incredulity’ brush. The prevailing trend is one of a scepticism about the utility of the idea, either because one believes the demands associated with it have been met (e.g. political rights, such as the right to vote as a universal right, an opportunity to stand for public office, etc.) or, in its more radical form (e.g. revolutionary discourses such as Marxism and ‘Radical’ Feminism), because one believes the demands pursued to be unworkable, inevitably leading to the exercising of terroristic violence and the perpetuation of further injustice. Harnessing certain elements from Kant’s critical method and distilling particular ideas from contemporary French philosophy (in particular from the philosophies of Alain Badiou, Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy and Jacques Rancière), this thesis shall seek to find an answer to the sceptic, and shall hope to do so through the tentative presentation of an alternative understanding.

However, to do so it must first extricate any recasting of the idea from established interpretations. Both the arguments of the sceptic and the dogmatist are predicated on

questionable suppositions, which lead to a set of antinomies and other illicit dialectical


University of Essex, 2011.


Translating Hegel

Brian Manning Delaney, Sven-Olov Wallenstein

Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit stands at the crossroads of modern philosophy. Taking us from the lowest and simplest level of sense-certainty through ever more complex forms of knowing and acting, Hegel's monumental work eventually aspires to nothing less than a blueprint for absolute knowledge.

Translating Hegel: The Phenomenology of Spirit and Modern Philosophy contains the contributions from a symposium organized on the occasion of the first Swedish translation of the Phenomenology.

Södertörn Philosophical Studies 13, 2012

The Silences of Mies 02.AKAD

Sven-Olov Wallenstein

Drawing on a series of readings of earlier interpretations of Mies, but also on discussions of other instances of the topos of silence in literature and music, the present essay attempts to understand the unavoidable plurality of this silence, to unearth its philosophical genealogy, and to connect it to the present moment, when the possibility and very sense of criticality as a strategy of negativity seem more questionable than ever.

Axl Books 2008

Foucault. Biopolitics, and Governmentality

Jakob Nilsson & Sven-Olov Wallenstein (eds.)

Foucault’s work on biopolitics and governmentality has inspired a wide variety of responses, ranging from philosophy and political science to history, legal studies, and urban planning. Drawing on historical sources from antiquity to twentieth-century liberalism, Foucault presented us with analyses of freedom, individuality, and power that cut right to the heart of these matters in the present.

Södertörn Philosophical Studies 14, 2013